corona virus
Corona Australis, (Latin: Southern Crown)also called Corona Austrina, constellation in the southern sky, at about 19 hours right ascension and 40 south in declination. The ... Cigar Modern cigars are described by their size and shape as follows: corona is a straight-shaped cigar with rounded top (the end placed in the mouth), ... Eclipse research activities from the article Eclipse Because the corona is a million times fainter than the disk of the Sun, it cannot be seen unaided in broad daylight. In 1930 the ... Transition Region And Coronal Explorer (United States satellite) TRACE revealed a much more dynamic solar corona than had previously been known. Structures in the corona were seen to change over a period of ... Corona from the article Sun Since the discovery of the nature of the corona, such low-density superhot plasmas have been identified throughout the universe: in the atmospheres of other stars, ... Coronal Mass Ejection (astronomy) Before ...