corona virus


  • Corona Australis, (Latin: Southern Crown)also called Corona Austrina, constellation in the southern sky, at about 19 hours right ascension and 40 south in declination. The ...
  • Cigar
    Modern cigars are described by their size and shape as follows: corona is a straight-shaped cigar with rounded top (the end placed in the mouth), ...
  • Because the corona is a million times fainter than the disk of the Sun, it cannot be seen unaided in broad daylight. In 1930 the ...
  • Transition Region And Coronal Explorer (United States satellite)
    TRACE revealed a much more dynamic solar corona than had previously been known. Structures in the corona were seen to change over a period of ...
  • Corona from the article Sun
    Since the discovery of the nature of the corona, such low-density superhot plasmas have been identified throughout the universe: in the atmospheres of other stars, ...
  • Coronal Mass Ejection (astronomy)
    Before the invention of the coronagraph (an instrument that places an occulting disk in front of the Sun to block out its bright light), the ...
  • Solar Prominence (astronomy)
    Solar prominence, dense cloud of incandescent ionized gas projecting from the Suns chromosphere into the corona. Prominences sometimes extend hundreds of thousands of kilometres above ...
  • Coronagraph (telescope)
    Coronagraph, telescope that blocks the light of a star inside the instrument so that objects close to the star can be observed. It was invented ...
  • Bernard Ferdinand Lyot (French astronomer)
    Before Lyots coronagraph, observing the corona had been possible only during a solar eclipse, but this was unsatisfactory because total eclipses occur only rarely and ...


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