

  • Fire Ant (insect)
    Fire ant, (genus Solenopsis), also called thief ant, any of a genus of insects in the family Formicidae, order Hymenoptera, that occur in tropical regions ...
  • Antlion (insect)
    Antlion, (family Myrmeleontidae), any of a group of insects (order Neuroptera) that are named for the predatory nature of the larva, which trap ants and ...
  • Sahara Desert Ant (insect)
    Matthias Wittlinger of the University of Ulm (Germany) and colleagues hypothesized that the ants measure the distance traveled by registering their leg movements using a ...
  • Honey Ant (insect)
    Honey ant, any member of several different species of ant (family Formicidae; order Hymenoptera) that have developed a unique way of storing the honeydew, a ...
  • Leafcutter Ant (insect tribe)
    Leafcutter ant, (tribe Attini), any of 39 ant species abundant in the American tropics, easily recognized by their foraging columns composed of hundreds or thousands ...
  • Driver Ant (insect)
    Driver ant, African member of the insect subfamily Dorylinae (family Formicidae; order Hymenoptera) characterized by a nomadic existence alternating with quiet, egg-laying periods. These ferocious ...
  • Hymenopteran (insect)
    The fire ant (Solenopsis saevissima), accidentally introduced into the United States from South America, feeds on young plants and seeds and is known to attack ...
  • Connectivity from the articleComplexity
    Like human societies, ant colonies achieve things that no individual member can accomplish. Nests are erected and maintained; chambers and tunnels are excavated; and territories ...
  • The aptly named Dracula ant, which resembles a wasp, is an ant species that feeds on the blood, or hemolymph, of its own young. The ..


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