

  • Anode (electronics)
    Anode, the terminal or electrode from which electrons leave a system. In a battery or other source of direct current the anode is the negative terminal, but in a passive load it is the positive terminal. For example, in an electron tube electrons from the cathode travel across the tube toward the
  • plate tectonics (geology)
    Although this has yet to be proven with certainty, most geologists and geophysicists agree that plate movement is caused by the convection (that is, heat ...
  • Most agree that plate movement is the result of the convective circulation of Earths heated interior, much as envisaged by Arthur Holmes in 1929. The ...
  • The plates are trued up by milling or filing to the desired thickness and glued either to the plate cylinder of the rotary or to ...
  • Chile earthquake of 1960
    The Nazca plate is a large tectonic plate that underlies the Pacific Ocean near the western coast of South America. It is subducting under (that ...
  • continent (geography)
    Geologists theorize that continents move. This theory is called plate tectonics, which holds that the lithosphere, the outermost layer of Earth (where continents are), lies ...
  • Stereotype (printing)
    Stereotype, type of printing plate developed in the late 18th century and widely used in letterpress, newspaper, and other high-speed press runs. Stereotypes are made ...
  • The outer shell from the article Earth
    The lithospheric plates are about 60 km (35 miles) thick beneath the oceans and 100-200 km (60-120 miles) beneath the continents. (It should be noted ...
  • Plaster print from the articlePrintmaking
    To make a plaster print, the plate is inked in the same manner as it would be for normal printing. The inked and wiped plate ...
  • Form and function from the articleCrocodile
    The upper surfaces of the back and tail are covered with large, rectangular horny plates arranged regularly in longitudinal and transverse rows. Most of the ...


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cow 5

corona virus